בית קנדינוף, יפו | 5.12.18-1.4.19
Solo exhibition
2018 / Beit Kandinof, Jaffa
Curators / Naama Klaiman & Inbar Goldberg
Guests artists / Noah Jordan & Maryse Andraos
Now-Here and here and Nowhere unite in the same word.
I want to point the present moment, where the specific place evaporates, the time becomes continuous or disappears, irrelevant, and remains only the delay of the present moment, which can not be defined anywhere that exists.
My attempt is to reach an intimate place, to refine our connection with the physical world, in the interface between our own experience and the boundary of the outside world. I desire to frame a beautiful and poetic singular moment, to capture a specific state of accumulation, knowing that the next moment will come and dissolve the existing. The same awareness brings joy and is relieved from holding onto the little beauty that simply was found. In the vote on the current accumulation situation, there is the knowledge that the next moment he will die.
The slow observation of the cloud, the glacier, the wing comes in agreement with the constant, indefinite change that characterizes life.

Horses, 2018, 100*150 cm, inkjet print
Adolescence, 2018, video, 3:00"
Voice and text: Maryse Andraos (Canada)
"Raft, 2018, video, 2:05
Collaboration with the musician Noah Jordan (Canada)

Rock, 2018, 70*75 cm, inkjet print

Dimond, 2018, 42*29 cm, inkjet print

Dimonds, 2018, 42*29 cm, inkjet print

Wind, 2018, 100*80 cm, inkjet print

Untitled,2018, 60*40 cm, inkjet print
Bone Saga, 2018, video, 1:30"
Collaboration with the musician Noah Jordan (Canada)

exhibition view, Beit Kandinof

NOWhere, 2018, 60*42, inkjet print

Flock of birds, 2018, 42*29 cm, inkjet print
Eyes, 2019, 50*60 cm, inkjet print
Fire, 2018, video, 2:27"
collaboration with Noah Jordan

Exhibition view- Fresh paint art fair 11