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Solo exhibition

2014 /  Faculty of Arts - HaMidrasha

Curators / Alona Friedberg & Erez Israeli

press : Ha'artz & The Window

The exhibition focuses on issues of motion and time, through their embodiment in nature. I seek the interaction between nature and its artificial representations. the work presents the intermediate space created between two worlds, between still imagery and motion.

The images I portray are derived from nature but are never natural objects themselves. They are objects like those displayed in a curiosity cabinet, striving to instruct us about the outside world, and ultimately failing. the images remain incomplete - containing inherent inconsistency, and death. They cheat the viewer, enticing with the opportunity for discovery that can never materialize.

Digital manipulation allows me to create a metaphysical space in which a continuously moving projected image interacts with the frozen motionless objects that comprise its frames. 

Hold the Sun, 2014, Video, 1:25" (loop)

Narcissus 2014, video, 1:57 (loop)


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Exhibition view: Narcissus (video projection on Plexiglas), skull (light box)

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Moth spine, mix media, 350 cm

1 HOLD THE SUN, 2014, מיצב- הקרנות אחוריות על פרספקס, קופסאות אור , ואוביקטים. תערוכת גמר

Exhibition view


Exhibition view

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Rotating Butterfly2014, 3:00" (loop), video projection on a spinning plexiglass

Rotating Moth2014, 3:00" (loop)


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