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Duo exhibition

2017 / Omer Tiroche gallery Jaffa

Curator/ Orly Roman

They say that you cannot step into the same river twice. You can’t even step into the same river once; as soon as you enter it changes.

We experience nature as being dynamic, always in motion, an ongoing process.

Every human attempt to put order in nature by cataloguing it cannot succeed without sacrificing its sense of life. The act of cataloguing always encounters death, the death of the constant flux which characterizes the natural world.

Bird/ Animation 1:41"

video installation View/ Arch, 3:00" loop 

Video installation View/ Rotating Time

Ceramic work on the floor - Michaela Lazar

Animal-Vegetable-Mineral, inkjet print, 100*60 cm

Orchids, video installation

installation View

video installation View/ Arch, 3:00" loop 

Metamorphoses, inkjet print, 40*60 cm

Left- Still life, inkjet print, 40*60 cm
Right - Bird, inkjet print, 40*60 cm

Metamorphoses, inkjet print, 40*60 cm

Moth spine, mix media, 350 cm

Moth spine, mix media, 350 cm

Ceramic work on the floor - Michaela Lazar

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Victory, inkjet print, 50*55 cm

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